To all those who seek achievement, happiness and inspiration through positive thinking. Hoping these blog articles give you whatever you are looking for! Various Information - Affiliate Marketing, Inspiration, Motivation and more...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Your Goal Your Focus!

I once read somewhere that a lot of people are too busy making a living that they don't have time to make money. Take a moment to think about that one. How true. Most are busy paying bills, focusing on getting by.
Are we truly happy or just stuck in a wheel like a mouse?
What if we were to change our way of thinking? And spend less time in what some of us call artificial excitement and focus on developing the path to your goals, our dreams. If the way we think now is not giving what we want, we should think differently and that should give a different outcome, right? 

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought"
by Buddha
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive It can achieve"
by W. Clement Stone

"If you have not yet achieved greatness in your life,
it is because you have been willing to settle for less."

by Napoleon Hill author of "Think and Grow Rich"

We hear it all the time these Personal Development quotes. But how many of us truly read these quotes and take action. It seems these quotes come from influential people that have roamed this Earth. They achieved their target in life. What does it boil down to - Passion, Focus, Determination, Motivation
Do you constantly ask yourself, what about me? How about changing the focus and sit down and start really thinking what you want out of life. Scary isn't it. We fear that we will fail, so we don’t do anything – if we do not do it, we haven’t failed by trying.
It’s when we truly believe in our dreams, that it all starts to unfold.

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